Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's incredible how we see our children come good when slight changes are made. It's not true that it's too hard for us to make these changes. It's really not. Even if it is a BIT hard, the effort is totally worth it. My son Jude, as an example, has just turned 5. I made changes to his diet almost 2 years ago which had dramatic, almost instant improvement to his behaviour. I was very strict with what he was allowed to eat and he adapted to this very well. I was honest with him, telling him why he was not allowed to eat those foods when he asked for it at the supermarket. I usually went shopping on my own when I could to avoid tantrums in the shops, therefore only having 'safe food' at home available for him to eat. Additive free shopping is a lot easier now than it used to be. I have found a lot of brands now changing their recipes to cater for the growing number of parents jumping on the additive free living bandwagon. I only allow Schwepps Natural Lemonade in the 1.25lt or 2lt bottles, the cans still have preservative added. There are ways around favourite foods not being available additive free. For instance, I make my own garlic bread by crushing my own garlic into a knob of real butter and spreading it onto halved hamburger buns from the Bakers Delight, then grilled. Or make my own sausage rolls. I also use Sue Dengate's recipe for 'Magic Lemonade' syrup (1Tsp citric acid and 1cup sugar dissolved into 1 cup of boiling water) and mix with water then pour into iceblock moulds. We eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables (although vegetables are not as readily eaten but always on their plate) and breakfast is weet-bix or toast, with yogurt or fruit and diluted juice.
I'm not perfect but I always attempt to offer the best choices in additive free food so my children grow up understanding good food choices so than be healthy. My son said last month that "those people must have eaten A LOT of 'sometimes' food" - we were watching an episode of 2012 Biggest Loser Australia. Now that's over, we watch Masterchef instead, they are also learning from watching it. Once they grow up, it's too late to teach them what they should and shouldn't eat. Anyway, now that we are eating additive free there are a lot less tantrums and less arguments, less defiance and more cooperation. I believe in this approach because I am convinced the additives in food Jude used to eat had a huge impact on his behaviour. If you're not sure you believe me, give it a go. It will be easier than you think. Even the 'junk' food has additive free options. Choose plain chips, pretzels, make your own popcorn, there are some corn chips with natural cheese flavouring but I can't remember the brand, and the Natural Confectionary Company lollies are great - mine love the fruit chews.
So good on you if you are already doing it, give it a try if you haven't yet.
Send me an email or make a comment if you have questions.
All the best.

Monday, April 16, 2012


This is THE LIST of colours to rule out. These are only the colours. If you want more info before i get time to post it please email me.

E102 - Tartrazine. Found in Fairyfloss (cotton candy), pastries, cakes, biscuits, caramel, ice cream cones, cocktail onions, gherkins, pickles, chocolates, butterscotch, liquorice, jelly beans, jelly babies, and flavoured mineral water, soda and alcohol.

E104 - Quinoline. Found in lollies, liquorice, lemon sherbet, flavoured soda, MOUTHWASH and MEDICATIONS.

E110 - Sunset Yellow. Found in cakes, biscuits, flavoured mineral water, custard mixes, chocolates, jelly babies, ice-creams, iceblocks, meat pies, pizza.

E122 - Carmoisine. Found in prawn crackers, flavoured milk, sundaes, ice-cream, cordials, jam rolls, biscuits, lollies, marshmallows, musksticks, strawberry topping.

E124 - Ponceau 4R. Found in jam, curry paste, ice-cream, flavoured milk, instant pudding, Turkish Delight, chocolates, musksticks, jelly beans, jelly babies, pizza.

E129 - Allura Red. Found in custard powder, chocolates, lollies, chewing gum, flavoured alcohol, milkshakes, sundaes, muesli bars, glazed cherries and MEDICATIONS.

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